What is your name and who is your child?
My name is Shannon and my daughter is Ever Chaffey
How long have you and your child been involved with BTQ?
Our first year was in 2020 with the Cinderella production being performed in January 2021
What drew you/your child to audition for BTQ the first time?
Ever has always loved watching previous productions. We usually went to support older dancers from our studio. We were watching the 2019 production of Swan Lake and Ever whispered to me that she could not stop pointing her toes! She auditioned for the following production.
Why has your child returned for multiple seasons of BTQ?
There are so many reasons Ever has returned for multiple seasons. The calibre of teachers, the friendships, the experience of what it’s like to be part of a company, the guest artists, performing at QPAC with a live orchestra. I got goosebumps when I heard the orchestra start whilst standing side stage during Swan Lake. When performance week is over Ever starts counting down until the next audition.
What is your regular job and what does it entail
I’m a Dental Hygienist. My role is to provide patients with individualised & preventative dental care to prevent decay and periodontal disease.
As a volunteer for BTQ, what is your role/s and what will you be doing this season?
I mostly help at the shed with constructing, cleaning painting props for upcoming productions. I have also helped in the sewing room but it’s not really my forte!
Why do you volunteer to help at BTQ?
It’s a privilege to be involved with something Ever is so passionate about. I really enjoy getting to know the other dancers and their parents too. A highlight is getting to stand side stage and watch the dancers support and encourage each other during QPAC week.
What’s it like sitting in the audience and watching your child up on the QPAC stage?
It’s so special, I’m super proud of her Ever and her dance friends. I often think of how brave they are to perform on stage in front of a full theatre.
Do you feel differently about BTQ and the ballet profession having volunteered behind the scenes?
I don’t have a dance background so I never knew how much dedication, hours mastering techniques and choreography were involved in ballet… let alone a production to be performed at QPAC! The teachers, students and parent volunteers all have an important role and they do an incredible job. Both Ever and I have found the BTQ environment to be inclusive, encouraging and very rewarding.

Dance Mum and Stagehand